
Full Circle Yoni Steam Blend



What is Yoni Steaming?

Yoni steaming is the practice of sitting over a steaming pot of water infused with medicinal herbs. It uses the healing power of plants and vital heat to restore balance to our cycles in all life stages. The herb infused steam supports our bodies in the natural release of that which does not serve our optimal health, while connecting us to our inner power. Many different herbs are used to support and heal our cycles and wombspace.


How to steam:

Boil 1 gallon of water with 1 cup herb mixture for 10 minutes. Continue to steep off of the stove for an additional 5 minutes.

Then be sure to test how hot the steam is. Put the inside of your forearm over the steam to test.  Remember your genitals are very sensitive to heat, you do not want to burn them! Do not sit down until the steam is comfortable for you.

Then when steaming cover your entire lower half, all the way to the ground with 1 blanket. Make a tent all the way to the ground, to keep the steam in. Then wrap the second blanket around the upper half of your body. Keep it wrapped around you, stay warm. That warmth will aid in circulation! Also, be sure to wear socks, it will help you stay warm.

You’ll steam for 20-30 minutes. It feels AMAZING. I use a sitz bath tub because they are sooo comfy, convenient, and cheap but some people squat over bowls, cut holes in camp chairs etc! There is no wrong way to sit! Whatever is comfy for you is the correct way to steam.

There are also vaginal steam stools and chairs available to buy online.

Rest and nurture yourself afterwards, stay warm, drink some herbal tea and move slowly. Breathe this herbal and energetic nourishment into your womb and soul.


Yoni steams have been found by people throughout history to:

1.) Deeply connect a person with a uterus with their source of power.

2.) To heal pelvic pain, tightness or pain during intercourse.

3.) Help heal after a hysterectomy or other pelvic surgeries.

4.) Detoxify (removing toxins from tampons, lubes, etc).

5.) Speed healing and tone the reproductive system after birth.

6.) Increase fertility, especially when combined with our FertiliTEA.

7.) Make sex more pleasurable by increasing sensitivity and natural lubrication.

8.) Creating space for blissful relaxation.

9.) Healing the womb.

10.) Significantly reduce pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation.

11.) Decrease menstrual flow as well as reduce dark purple or brown blood at the onset or end of menses.

12.) Regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles.

13.) Reduce uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis.

14.) Assist with the repair of a vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar.

15.) Assist with the healing of hemorrhoids.

16.) Relieve chronic vaginal/yeast infections, and works to maintain healthy odor.

17.) Ease symptoms of menopause like vaginal dryness.

18.)Release stored emotions and tap into the energy that is our creative potential (Sacral chakra healing).

19.) Create a pleasant ritual for self-care time… it just feels good!


Yoni steaming works by supporting your body through its natural processes.

Many reproductive challenges such as menstrual cramps and infertility are caused when there is excess build up of uterine lining that was not shed in previous cycles “encrusted” to the inside of the uterus. Because this material is built up over time, the uterus and the muscles around it work excessively hard to shed it, often causing pain and fatigue. A yoni steam works by applying gentle heat, as well as moisture that carries medicinal plant oils, to the exterior tissues of the vagina (the tissue referred to as the vulva). The warmth and moisture increase circulation to the vulva, causing it to swell and expose the inner labial mucus membranes. These tissues are very porous and absorbent, allowing the bloodstream to pick up the medicinal oils and and carry them into the inner reproductive system, including the uterus. There, they work to help the uterus cleanse and release what is built up on its lining, ensuring that the next cycle is easy and pain-free, helping an egg to implant, and reducing other uterine abnormalities. The result is a healthier, more pleasant cycle and a more energetically connected person.


Contraindications (when to avoid steaming):


Contraindication #1: Menstruation

Although many turn to vaginal steaming to address menstrual problems, steaming during active menstruation or fresh spotting is contraindicated. Steaming while bleeding can be dangerous because the steam speeds up the blood flow and can cause heavy bleeding. Instead, steaming should be done before and after the period, which will help aid the natural uterine cleanse that occurs during the period.

Contraindication #2: Pregnancy

Steaming while pregnant can be dangerous because the steam relaxes and opens the cervix, which could result in miscarriage or early labor.

Contraindication #3: After Insemination While Trying to Conceive

For anyone that is trying to conceive, they can steam during the time period after the period up until the point of ovulation and then they should stop. Steaming after insemination could interfere with the sperm, fertilization or implantation. 

Contraindication #4: Spontaneous Heavy Bleeding

For anyone that experiences spontaneous heavy bleeding–sometimes referred to as two periods per month–steaming is contraindicated. Because the steam speeds up circulation and opens the cervix, it might cause spontaneous bleeding to occur–which can be dangerous when it’s heavy. Women with spontaneous bleeding who want to steam should go to an acupuncturist first and get herbs to get the spontaneous bleeding under control first (hint: ask for yunnan baiyao).

Contraindication #5: During Miscarriage

Though steaming is very helpful for miscarriage recovery, it is not advised to steam before the bleeding has stopped. In rare cases this might lead to heavy bleeding and can be dangerous. 



Motherwort (great for fatigue, cramps, and to aid relaxation), Mugwort (promotes suppressed menses), Basil (Uterine stimulant), Calendula (Cleansing, lessens inflammation), Chamomile(Soothing to the vaginal tissues), Raspberry leaf (strengthens and tones the uterine and pelvic muscles, and is a pelvic and uterine relaxant), Lavender (antiseptic, antispasmodic, sedative, relaxing nerving).


This blend is made with 100% organic herbs chosen with intention and prepared with love. Each batch has been mixed with healing crystals during the preparation process (removed before shipping) to add the extra energetic value that healing stones create.




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