What the mom-to-be really wants at her baby shower…

We have all either had a personal baby shower or attended one in our lives. I am willing to bet that we can ALL agree on one thing; the gifts are always the same. A cute outfit, maybe a bottle brush with a bottle. Bath stuff. A pack of diapers & of course some super cute blankets or wash cloths. While we are very grateful for these things & they are necessary, babies generally don’t need 58,392,875,430 of the same size clothes & blankets. Seasons DO change & babies DO grow. 😉 I thought I’d make a list of suggestions for moms-to-be, based on my own experience and with the suggestions of other mamas. So that you can be sure to get the family something that will be cherished & necessary, not what everyone else is getting. Read on…..

1. Coconut oil. Seriously, this stuff is amazing! Cradle cap? CO. Diaper rash? CO. Cracking nipples? CO. Bug bites, ear infections, stretch marks, sore peri-area, pure sunscreen without the cancer causing chemicals? Coconut oil. It can be used for all of these things! These are just a few birth & postpartum examples. It doesn’t include the nutritional benefits like; if baby gets it from the nipple, it is made up of about 50% Lauric Acid. A fatty acid that is important for baby’s brain development, supports a healthy metabolism, heart health, supports the immune system & supports proper function of the thyroid gland! It is well known for it’s anti-microbial, anti-viral & anti-bacterial properties. Trust me when I say she would love a jar of good quality coconut oil! It’s up there with the “liquid gold” known as breast milk!

2. A rock-n-play or co-sleeper. I have not used a rock-n-play, just a traditional bouncer. But I hear that they are AWESOME for mommies that want to put their baby next to their bed. It sits up a little higher & rocks. Many moms are discovering the benefits of safe bed sharing, but maybe they need a night where the baby can sleep next to the bed or maybe they aren’t able to safely bedshare, a co-sleeper would be helpful here. I personally tried the ‘in the bed co-sleeper’ it was bulky, in the way & my son grew out of it within like 45 minutes, I swear.

3. A baby wrap or carrier. I used a moby wrap. It was like the baby whisperer. Crabby baby? Wear him/her! Don’t know where to find a wrap or carrier & need a suggestion? There are a ton of options, she needs to find one that will best fit her needs. Follow this link for ideas. Or you can find your local babywearing chapter & get their opinion Or you can simply just get the new mom a gift card to purchase her own! I have “worn” my son from birth up to now (he’s about to be 3!)

4. Breastfeeding Supplies. If you know for sure that the mother will be breastfeeding, you can be sure she’ll LOVE your breastfeeding supplies. My favorite gift to make a new mom that will be nursing her little one? A nursing basket! It includes the necessities and a few things to take care of herself & set up her nursing space. Some items include; A basket to keep it all in, Lansinoh breastmilk bags, breast wipes, steam bags for pump parts, coconut oil (see!), a good nursing book, reusable nursing pads, disposable nursing pads, burp cloths, a big/nice beverage cup or water bottle & some snacks.

Like trail mix, granola bars, chocolate or jerky. You could include brewer’s yeast to add to her food to get all of the necessary B-vitamins to help her milk supply. Also; mother’s milk tea & a list of local resources to help support her breastfeeding journey.

5. Books! Books for the baby (remember that babies & toddlers LOVE to chew on and rip up books, so keep that in mind while shopping.) Also books for the mother. We all know the typical book “What to expect, when you’re expecting.” But the book isn’t very personalized nor does it consider that all situations are different. Long story, short? It’s like reading a science textbook from 1980…. A few of my personal favorites?

*These are all books that ANY parent can appreciate. Very comprehensive, but easy to read. They are up to date, but still respect that Birth is a normal physiological Event. I included a few of the others so that parents can understand the stages of their child’s growing brain & how to help them flourish without the pressure to punish and because we research car seats, but not many are researching things like vaccines or the benefits of breastfeeding.

6. MOVE OVER Blue Booger Sucker!!! Heelllooo NOSEFRIDA! I haven’t met anyone who hasn’t loved it yet! If the mom-to-be hasn’t heard of it yet, she might give you a funny face & then politely say “thanks.” Rest assured that in about 6 months she’ll be getting a hold of you to tell you how helpful it has been & how it’s her favorite baby gift she received…..Go ahead, try it.

7. Burp Rags/Bibs/Cotton-cloth waterproof/reusable baby changing pad/Gerber cloth diapers and EXTRA crib sheets. The truth is; babies and the postpartum period are MESSY. Puke, urine, lots of poopy blowouts, leaking breasts, you name it. These can be put in the bottom of the carseat (as long as they are as thin as a receiving blanket so you aren’t compromising safety) because babies are infamous for pooping up their back while in the car seat. Mama can use this when suddenly her milk lets down & she is suddenly soaking everything. Or when your 2 year old is potty training & you’re washing bed sheets every day! You can never have to many of these items, because sometimes there’s a point when you just throw it away instead!

8. Gripe water. Gripe water. Gripe water. No more of that synthetic stuff. Gripe water has safe & natural ingredients. A better taste & is worth it’s weight in gold. We used this for the first 3 months of my son’s life. Although breast milk is the best & easiest digested first food, baby’s digestive systems are still “learning” to work outside the womb. Naturally, it comes with gas, spit up, a hard time pooping, & one FUSSY baby. Gripe water helps! My favorite brand, here.

9. Blooming Bath. Ok, I haven’t used one. But I did struggle with a few others before I stumbled upon this bath & now I WILL have this for my next child. The other bath tub options can be a pain to store, collect hard water build up, no place to put it (if you live in an apartment like I did.) And never seemed to be comfortable or conducive to my growing son.

10. Cotton Muslin Blankets. You DON’T have to buy the most expensive brand, although they are SUPER cute. You can just buy the material at a fabric store & sew the edges! Or you can talk to me (Lindsay Ransom- Birth Doula & I will make you a customized tie-dye muslin blanket.) Why are these blankets superior? They are bigger, Usually about 45”x45”. Light weight, so they are perfect for throwing over a carseat or stroller, as a nursing cover (so MUCH more breathable), to prevent baby from overheating & to swaddle with. Plus they are super soft!

11. Just Get something off of her REGISTRY or Simply, a gift card. I know what you’re thinking; “What if I’m the only that brings her just a lame gift card or only gets one thing from her registry. Just know that if it was on her registry, she isn’t going to care whether you got her 1 thing or 5 things.

She is going to be stoked she got something she knew she wanted. A gift card allows the parent(s) to pick something they want/need or to apply it to a bigger purchase. One of my favorite gifts? A $100 gift card from a very generous friend, that allowed us to buy our son’s first car seat & stroller at a much cheaper price than we would have normally had to shell out. Gift cards also allow mom to pick out more individualized gifts like nursing bras/tanks or postpartum clothing. Gift card to a restaurant & a coupon to babysit for free, for a date night is another great option. A gift certificate for a newborn photographer!

**A gift certificate towards the expense of a Doula. With this, you can be sure that they will have a wonderful birth experience. No matter what number birth this is, where or HOW it’s happening. A doula can be their guide through it all & they can walk away feeling good about her Rite of Passage into motherhood. Hint: Mom might not know about a Doula? In this case, you can offer her up the information & resources & let her know you’d like to contribute to the cost should she decide she would like a Doula at her birth.

12. A freezer meal. I have yet to meet a new mother that was excited or even had the slightest bit of interest in……

A.) Deciding what to make for Dinner.

B.) Cooking the Dinner. The first month is a BIG change. Bring a meal that will freeze well & you can be sure the whole family will be warm & happy thanks to you!

13. Offer to come over & do something BESIDES hold her new baby. Maybe she needs help with the older siblings, a few loads of laundry, dishes done, taking the trash out, or getting some groceries. Don’t wait for her to ask, she probably won’t. Maybe she does need a nap & a bath, in which case you can hold the baby 🙂 Do ask before just showing up, just don’t expect mom to ask you to help around the house!

14. Postpartum Supplies! Pregnancy & birth doesn’t end at the baby being born. Mom’s need extra care to their bodies after the birth too. These supplies might look like this; food, “padsicles,” herbal sitz bath, perineal spray, heavy duty nipple cream, help around the house, healthy drinks, a belly binding kit (Contact Buddha Belly birth Doula for more info on how I can help!) A footzone, or massage & adjustment because birth is hard on her body!

15. A cool mist humidifier. Why? Because it WILL get used at some point. Even if the baby isn’t sick for the whole first year, it will be useful. Promise.

16. A nursing pillow. Again, if mom is nursing these are a life saver on the back & arms. If mom isn’t nursing, than maybe a bouncer instead?

So WHY didn’t I include things like; bottles, pacifiers, outfits, blankets, diapers and bath supplies?

-Bottles: The baby will decide which bottle they like best, then change their mind probably 3 times. Leaving mom with 50 bottles that baby doesn’t like & a whole lot of wasted money.

Mom might not be planning on bottle feeding.

The parents might decide they want more eco friendly glass bottles, you just never know.

-Pacifiers: Same with the bottles. Baby decides which nipple they like best.

Baby might not like pacifiers at all.

Parents might not want their baby using one.

Breastfed babies should use certain nipples so they don’t confuse their latch.

*Or if the baby is anything like my son; they’ll find a favorite, said favorite will be discontinued, mom will be ordering nontraditional binky online. True story.

– Outfits: Because everyone else will buy these. Can you blame them? Super cute, easy, & cheap.

If you do want to add it to the gift, buy a nice sleeper sack or something with a zipper instead of buttons,a little bigger (think 6-9 months or bigger), & unisex to save for future babies or to prevent the baby pink & blue syndrome. Babies grow FAST. That amazingly tiny, cutest-ever, 0-3 month outfit isn’t going to last for long, even if it makes it through the poopy blowouts, or the puke stains. Some babies are also born the size of 0-3 months (like my 9 pounder) so newborn clothing was useless! Second hand clothing became my best friend!

-Blankets: The same as Outfits. Everyone buys one. Again, they are so soft & cute! How could you resist? However, some
women have a lot of sewers in the family & end up with all kinds of blankets. On top of everyone purchasing one for the baby shower. Now they are falling out of the linen closet (honestly.)

*Should you find yourself wanting to add a blanket? Make it yourself! Homemade blankets are made with extra love, they are also more likely to be saved for the future generations! Or even better, buy the mama to be one to take with her to the hospital for extra “homey-feeling, comfort.” Then she can use it to snuggle up to that baby when they get home!

-Bath Supplies: also falls under the “Everyone buys this category.”

Babies have very sensitive skin, as we all know the products we are sold these days aren’t the cleanest of ingredients. Some moms just simply use water & no soap.

You could leave the bath necessities up to the parents or buy GOOD quality products like these and these.

-Diapers: Yes Diapers are important! But if you don’t know what brand or type of diaper the parents are using, they might just get taken back. Cloth Diapers are making a comeback! They are now easier than ever to use & clean and boy are the “fluffy bums” adorable! If you know mom wants to cloth diaper, sure get her a few or ask her what she needs for her “stash” ←Cloth Diaper lingo (and you’ll already sound cool ;))

But lately the disposable diapers aren’t any better than the next. I’ve been through them ALL & my cloth stash
totally beat out the disposables, hands down. They ALL leak at some point, some cause horrible rashes, & I took
back about 4-5 packs because I got mostly the same size. Some other ideas? Order her a few months supply of Honest Co. Diapers (or just a one-time purchase). Not only are they made with better ingredients to prevent rash, but they are as adorable as cloth diapers with the convenience of disposable. If mom simply requests a pack of Huggies & you want to buy some, go for it! Just get a little bigger than size newborn-2. Maybe size 3 is best!

There you have it. I am a mom, a pregnancy/birth/baby fanatic, *mostly* up to date with the “hip” stuff, So I can assure you that any of these items a parent would be pleased to have! Put your money to good use, give them something memorable & USEFUL. Not the teddy bear that sits around the house for a few years before going to second hand store. Give her something that says; ‘I really put some thought into this gift for you.’ She might decide it’s her new favorite gift to give to her friends too!

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