Safely Detoxing From Toxic Menstrual Products

Safely Detoxing From Toxic Menstrual Products

Advice, Information
Millions of people absorb high levels of toxins every month thanks to lax manufacturing standards of menstrual products like tampons and pads. These products are loaded with highly absorbable industrial contaminants — the body takes in more toxins through the vaginal mucous membranes than through ingestion. Manufacturers are not required to list the ingredients used in tampons and sanitary napkins. However, the main material cotton is a crop notorious for genetic engineering and heavy use of pesticides. Feminine hygiene products also contain synthetic fragrances, bleaches, foams, gels, anti-bacterial agents, and surfactants. Although the FDA offers recommendations, there are no regulations manufacturers are required to follow regarding the use of toxic chemicals in these products. Why toxins in tampons are more dangerous Lack of regulation and oversight means anything goes in…
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Feeling Relaxed and Confident When Your Baby Doesn’t Sleep

Feeling Relaxed and Confident When Your Baby Doesn’t Sleep

Advice, Baby Sleep, Information, Postpartum
Sleep in your home doesn't have to be the "worst" part of parenting. It doesn't have to be the ONE thing that is talked about or questioned the most in parenthood, next to our traumatic birth stories. Our society is literally, though not maliciously, defining whether we have a "good baby", based on how, where and when they sleep. First, babies aren't inherently evil. Ok, maybe sometimes it feels like it? But if we are being honest, they are actually just trying to thrive! Babies instinctually know what they need to survive & thrive and that's pretty damn amazing if we think about it! They are the most helpless baby animal born on this planet. They don't just fall from the womb, jump up and prepare to run off if…
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The Solution to Morning Sickness in Pregnancy

The Solution to Morning Sickness in Pregnancy

Advice, Home Birth, Hospital Birth, Information
Chances are, you are here because someone had mercy on you and shared this blog, after you posted in every possible mom group, asking how they dealt with everyone’s favorite typical side effect of pregnancy…. Morning sickness. Funny thing is (I know, there’s nothing funny about puking your guts out or all-day nausea). We talk about it as if it is a rite of passage in pregnancy, like it’s perfectly normal. Hell, even the Duchess of Cambridge Kate has been all over the news about it. Though it is quite common, I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s “normal”. I really wonder what other cultures in other countries would have to say about it? -That’s research for another day…. At the risk of sounding “preachy”… the thing is, our SAD (Standard American…
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4 Ways To Use Your Birth Ball To Improve Your Pregnancy

4 Ways To Use Your Birth Ball To Improve Your Pregnancy

Advice, Doula, Information
A birthing ball can be so helpful because it relieves pelvic pressure and it encourages optimal fetal positioning! Many hear about using your ball towards the end of pregnancy to help encourage and progress labor but there are SO many other ways to use to your ball during pregnancy! Your ball is a great tool to help you during all stages of pregnancy not just the very end! 1. Using your ball as a chair during pregnancy. Most couches and office chairs are no friend to your body but they are especially problematic when it comes to fetal positioning! Slouching down and leaning back, like we often do, can encourage baby to position it's self in a less than favorable position. Swap out that…
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Free Informational Downloads!

Downloads, Information
These are for educational purposes! Some of these may not be right for your family or situation, while some of them may be standard & the correct way. It does not mean there is judgement passed one way or another. After all, we are all just trying to make the best choices for our little humans! While assigned this task to create brochures to share with all of my clients, I decided it would be a GREAT opportunity to spread the word via internet while I was at it!... We all know that everything we read on the internet is true....right? Right... Anyway, what's the sense in hoarding all of the good information out there to keep to ourselves?! Seriously though, it comes from accurate & reliable resources. If ever…
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