4 Ways To Use Your Birth Ball To Improve Your Pregnancy

Sitting on that wonderful birth ball

A birthing ball can be so helpful because it relieves pelvic pressure and it encourages optimal fetal positioning! Many hear about using your ball towards the end of pregnancy to help encourage and progress labor but there are SO many other ways to use to your ball during pregnancy! Your ball is a great tool to help you during all stages of pregnancy not just the very end!

1. Using your ball as a chair during pregnancy.

Most couches and office chairs are no friend to your body but they are especially problematic when it comes to fetal positioning! Slouching down and leaning back, like we often do, can encourage baby to position it’s self in a less than favorable position. Swap out that office chair for a birth ball! Also, instead of crashing into your couch to watch TV at the end of the day, sit on that ball!

2. Assisted squats.

We have all heard that squatting is a way to strengthen our bodies for labor! Even Ina May herself says that daily squatting will help you give birth faster! Using your ball as a stabilizer for squatting is an excellent way to squat with a little help! I don’t know about you guys but at the end of pregnancy I could sure use the help squatting!

3. Hip Circles and Figure 8’s.

Not only does this simple movement relax your muscles and joints, strengthen your hips, and encourage optimal fetal positioning but it feels AH-MAZING! You can find me most evenings, trying to recover from my day by swaying my hips on my ball! It’s a godsend, I swear!

4. Forward leaning.

Leaning over a ball is a great way to relax your uterine and back muscles. In fact, if you do Spinning Babies you will hear them refer to positions like this, where your belly is like a hammock for baby, as a great position to do after body balancing! This lets gravity encourage baby into a great position! This also takes pressure off of your back and feels great! You can also do some great supported cat/cows or hip circles in this position!

Tip: Make sure your hips are above your knees when sitting on your birth ball. If your knees are above your hips then you may be using a ball that is too small for you or your ball may need more air.

Get on your ball, momma! You’ll thank me later! 😉

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