Birth Story #4 – Baby Esplin!

This was for my second. Since I wasn’t feeling the baby move as much as she was I got checked and decided to be induced. We called at 5am and was told we could come in in an hour. When we got there we got all set up and they started pitocin. After about 2 hours I started having contractions. They were subtle at first so I practiced my breathing and watched New Girl.

Another hour went passed and they were getting stronger. I decided to get an epidural. They came in put the epidural and about 45 minutes later I was ready to push. I pushed for 15 minutes and out came Quinn. They laid her on me while they cleaned her off and the doctor delivered the placenta without me knowing because of the pure bliss of my baby laying on me.

He started right away sewing me up. I had a 2 tear so not too bad. They took her to get her weight and measurements and put on a diaper. Right after they gave her to my husband to bring to me. She snuggled into me and then started rooting. She latched right away and nursed for a while before we were taken to our room. We spent most of the 24 hour hospital stay skin-to-skin. We felt like we had to get home to our oldest kid so we only stayed 24 hours.

1 week post:
Everything went fairly smooth. Baby and I spent most of our days in my room. The first few days I stayed in bed, but I realized quickly getting in and out of bed was not great for my stitches so we brought in the recliner and that helped! I kept up the ice packs on my stitches and was nursing fairly well. I though since I had nursed before it would be the same. It was not! My nipple tore a little so every time she wanted to nurse I cried. I re-read parts of the Womanly Art of Breastfeeding and switched up some nursing positions and it helped a ton.

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