What are the Best Pregnancy Books?

You’re probably here because you’ve discovered you’re growing a little seed inside of your womb, congratulations! You are probably wondering what else you could be implementing into your life, that you haven’t already thought of. What better way to become knowledgeable and empowered, than to open a book! But what are THE best pregnancy books, when you have so many to choose from?!

Books are a great way to become informed. You can find books on any topic of interest to you and a book to contradict everything you just thought you knew. That’s the thing about informing yourself through the writings of others. Some people resonate more with a book that is based in pure science, while others will base their beliefs around a book that they connected to on a more emotional or spiritual level. So, there’s no right or wrong way to choose a book, but when it comes to a matter of the heart, your best bet is to listen to yours. If you find a book that just isn’t cutting it for you during your pregnancy, don’t be afraid to put that one down and look for another one.

We all know that “What to Expect” books are too cookie cutter for this day & age. We want evidence based facts, but we don’t want to be bombarded with science terms, boring statistics, or to feel like we are reading an encyclopedia! As us ‘Millennials’ continue to grow, become informed, and understand the impact that our pregnancy, labor, and birth experience, has on the family unit as a whole. We can become overwhelmed by the amount of information we have at our finger tips. It tends to muddy the waters when we are looking for the most accurate and evidence based information, to base our decisions on! So, we created a solution for our clients, a top list of the best pregnancy books to date! I considered taking a survey about what everyone’s favorite read was, but as a Doula who constantly has her nose in a book pertinent to her job, I felt knowledgeable enough to write this piece without assistance! However, feel free to add your favorite in the comment section below!

This is a variety of books, some are more inspiring/spiritual, some are more basic/straightforward, some are everything you ever needed to know, and some are just good old fashioned uplifting birth stories! Here ya go…

The Birth Partner by Penny Simkin – This book is great for the couple that is planning a hospital birth (or not) and wants to know all there’s to know about ALL.THE.THINGS. Don’t let that frighten you though. It may be big, but it’s an easy to read book, and something that you can go back to reference while in labor! It also gives tips for the partner, information about Doulas and what a Doula might do. Written by the childbirth queen herself.

The Natural Pregnancy Book By Aviva Jill Romm M.D. & Certified Professional Midwife – This book is an excellent read if you’re starting earlier in your pregnancy, and even if you aren’t. If you’re looking for a more holistic approach to your pregnancy and birth, with nutritional information to ensure you and your baby’s optimal health, or to get rid of some common pregnancy complaints. It also includes; short chapters on exercise/movements, pelvic health, coping/relaxation techniques, emotional changes, celebration ideas, and common concerns in pregnancy. It is another easy to read, easy to reference, book. It isn’t too alternative, but right in the middle. She is brilliant!

Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth – This is that “good old fashioned” compilation of inspirational birth stories type of book. Written by the Nation’s leading Midwife, Ina May Gaskin. The stories are heartfelt, uplifting, reassuring, exciting, and sweet. If you’re feeling unsure or frightened about your upcoming labor day, this one is sure to leave you feeling empowered!

The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth – By Sheila Kitzinger It is one of those books with a little bit of everything. From common procedures through pregnancy and labor, physical and emotional well-being, what to expect in labor, coping with the pain, gentle birth, newborn information, and much much more. It is also very basic and unbiased. It contains wonderful and supportive information, though some of it may be a little more outdated (I have the revised Fourth Edition), and it contains real pictures and plenty of visuals. It is however less holistic than some of the others.

Birthing From Within- By Pam England or Rob Horowitz. Are you more of the artsy type? If so, this book is definitely for you. No? Well this book can still be for you! They even have a curriculum that some Doulas teach, which you can find more about here https://www.birthingfromwithin.com/ Art can be therapeutic for some, especially if you’ve had a traumatic previous birth experience. Even if you haven’t, it is a great way to release fears and have an inside look at what your brain is trying to tell you. It isn’t just about drawing though, it is about looking at birth from a different perspective. It doesn’t have all of the medical advice, what certain tests/procedures are, or what to expect, but nonetheless it is still great for those of you who are struggling with the fears surrounding pregnancy & birth.

Hypnobirthing: The Mongan Method – By Marie Mongan Even if you aren’t planning a birth using the Hypnobirthing techniques outlined in this book and partnered with a class, I have still included the text because it is a book filled with great information for coping! It might not have the educational aspect of what you can expect from tests, procedures, and common complications BUT it almost like having a common-sense guide to how labor works and how to cope. Plus, it comes with a CD that is quite relaxing! So if you already trust in your body’s ability to give birth and you just need some education on how to have a successful unmedicated birth, than this one is right for you!

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