Prenatal Yoga


During pregnancy, you might not be completely motivated to keep up your regular exercise regime.  Yoga is a great way to take some time for yourself while also keeping in shape & strengthening your body to prepare for your upcoming marathon birth.  Practicing yoga can be life-changing, and even if you’ve never stepped on the mat before after you hear about the benefits of prenatal yoga, you may want to reconsider!

Calming effects-

The breathing techniques used in yoga can be very calming and grounding.  By focusing on your breath throughout your practice, you become able to control your breathing, which will be extremely helpful during labor. You’re also sending more oxygen to your sweet babe, which is obviously beneficial! Not only that, but your body is actually releasing “feel good” chemicals into the bloodstream, which reaches your baby. If you’re living a high-stress life or coping with stressors, this is particularly great for preventing illness, premature birth, encouraging great brain development, and the potential to change the way your baby’s body is hardwired to cope with stress in the future.

Tension relief-

The aches and pains of pregnancy, added on top of possible stress, creates tension in your body.  Simple stretches and poses can help to alleviate that built up tension, while also strengthening.


Strengthening muscle groups, especially those around the back and hips are very important for your new body with the added weight from baby.  With stronger muscles in these areas, labor can be made more tolerable, as you may be in multiple different positions throughout your labor.

Circulation and balance-

The series of positions in your yoga practice stretches your muscles and gets your blood flowing, therefore increasing circulation.  When circulation is increased, it helps to reduce swelling, which can be an issue during pregnancy.  Yoga is also helpful in improving balance, which will come in handy as that baby bump increases! As big supporters of ‘Spinning Babies’, read what they have to say about the benefits of it, or better yet, purchase their ‘Daily Essentials’ DVD.


This is the perfect time to let go of the day’s stress and really tune into your body, connect with your baby, release any fears, and be present in the moment. Helping you to enjoy your pregnancy just a little bit more.
Although the benefits of prenatal yoga are immense, yoga is not for everyone, and you should never be holding any positions that are painful. You can find great yoga videos online on Youtube, Pranamama, or contact us to help you find the resources available in your area!
Guest Post By: Julia Biczak

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