Our Response to ACOG’S Proposed “Solution” to the Maternal Mortality Rate

I’ve been chewing on this for 2 days now…

And I am appalled by the ACOG’s belief that this is a “solution.”


What’s wrong with it you might be thinking?

“ACOG is a nonprofit organization of women’s health care physicians advocating highest standards of practice, continuing member education and public awareness of women’s health” …


To me, this sounds like the keywords are: ‘advocating highest standards of practice’….
SUGGESTING THAT CONDOMS ( which most people won’t use, including some religious beliefs ) AND TOTAL PREGNANCY PREVENTION (which is very unrealistic) is their answer for addressing the obscene rise in maternal/infant mortality rates in the U.S. This is a “high standard of care”??!


This organization is supposed to be educating, supporting, presenting best evidence & paving the way for the Physicians who treat YOU.
And according to them, this is the best they can do for you to make sure you or your infant doesn’t die in pregnancy up to the first year postpartum… “Just don’t get pregnant in the first place.” Gee, what a novel idea.


You know, because that’s easier than actually educating & empowering their OB’s on what they need to know, what to do to be better & how to implement change. Which I guess would include keeping their unnecessary interventions & “labor-management” i.e. control, to a minimum and only used when medically necessary. We are one of only a few countries that don’t send families to midwifery care first & THEN an Obstetrician if they become high-risk.


FACT: “In the U.S, some doctors entering the growing specialty of maternal-fetal medicine were able to complete that training without ever spending time in a labor-delivery unit.”


FACT: “More American women are dying of pregnancy-related complications than any other developed country. Only in the U.S. has the rate of women who die been rising.” Read more on that (& an Artist’s powerful demonstration) here.


FACT: “Federal and state funding show only 6 percent of block grants for “maternal and child health” actually go to the health of mothers.”


FACT: “Black women & their babies are 4x more likely to die than white women DESPITE THEIR SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS.” Read a realistic response on that here.


You, your baby, & your family’s care is being dictated by everyone else, except YOU. Your physician has organizations like this teaching them, schooling that doesn’t include or support the variations of normal in labor & birth. They have “hospital policy” – that preaches autonomy & informed consent but doesn’t practice it. Insurance companies that control it ALL, & a government that chooses to be completely blind. Read More on how maternity care is the healthcare money-maker here.

That’s who we’re allowing to run this show.

They are trying (keyword) to control labor & birth So F$@!ing hard that their interventions, ego, & basic oversights are causing complications, women to fall through the cracks, the huge issue of perinatal mood disorders, & women and babies are dying.
Despite the fact that our nation has cutting-edge medical technology & resources.


Is this them admitting that they can’t help us?


-THIS is why using a Midwife is a thing.
-THIS is why Doulas are a thing.
-THIS is why postpartum Doulas are a thing.
-THIS is why prenatal/postpartum psychotherapists are a thing (& obviously much needed).
-THIS is why breastfeeding is a thing.
-THIS is why classes like: Hypnobirthing, Lamaze, Bradley, Hypnobabies, & other holistic-minded programs, are a thing.
-THIS is why foundations, organizations, & support groups like: ICAN, VBAC facts, Improving Birth, Evidence Based Birth, Postpartum Progress, La Leche League, & local mom groups MUST exist… and are a “thing”…

These aren’t “trends” or for the “hippies”; they Are crucial to our physical, mental, emotional well-being and apparently survival, now.

Get mad, care, advocate, speak up, be the example for your kids, teach, use alternative holistic methods, take back control of your body & experience, learn, change, JUST.DO.SOMETHING.

We deserve better. Our children’s generations deserve better.

Start demanding better care by voting with your dollars 

#shameonyouACOG #wewontstopadvocating #wearethechangemakers

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