Birth Story #1

Birth Story #1

Birth Story, Doula, Hospital Birth, Stories
While I was pregnant my husband, Judd, had suggested I look into having an unmedicated birth. I was never something I had considered before and wasn't sure how I felt about it but thought "What the heck". I read a few books and thought, if I can do it cool, if not oh well. Four days before my due date I started to get regular contractions. It was a Wednesday and I was supposed to be working. Contractions were far apart and not painful so I decided to go in and get my last day done. I cleaned out my desk and did some busy work to keep my mind occupied. I went home like regular at 5:00 and was surprised…
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My first Birth Experience – Lindsay

Birth Story, Doula, Hospital Birth
I considered blogging about my first birth experience just days after it had occurred. I later decided.... It was such a beautiful experience that I didn't think I had digested it enough to even begin to do it justice...This is my attempt at giving you a peek into what it is like on the other side of a birth. There's a lot of fear & unknown surrounding birth in this generation. Rightfully so. However, I hope to take some of that negativity out of the birth world and instead share with you the happiness, the intensity and the raw emotions that makes each birth unique. So whether you're a first time mom reading this, a future client, an aspiring Doula, or just here for the read; I hope I can…
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The Healing Home birth of Sawyer Ruby

Birth Story, Home Birth, Midwife
On Tuesday the 29th i was 41 weeks pregnant and feeling uncomfortable but surprisingly patient for such an impatient person. I had a late night appointment with my wonderful Midwife, Danielle, that included a prenatal massage and foot zoning from her Student Midwife, Mylie. The previous week I had the same massage from her and it was so relaxing I had a few contractions afterwards, so I was feeling hopeful! I was having some troubles from the baby's positioning blocking output from my left kidney (hydronephrosis) causing me to not be able to drink very much without my kidney swelling a bit. So I was feeling ready to have her whenever she decided she was ready to join us on the outside. My Midwife normally doesn't perform cervical checks at…
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The sometimes ugly truth behind sharing birth stories….

Advice, Birth Story, Musing
While recently doing some homework and speaking with a mother about her pregnancy experience, I came across the first topic I decided I wanted to talk about. I like to write about meaningful (to me anyway) topics. Sometimes it can take me a bit to get a new post out. Well, also because I only have nine bazillion other things to do like; search for the poopy diaper that was taken off & left somewhere. Or don my toddler in all of his super hero gear.... for the umpteenth time. Anyway, I wanted to discuss something that really gets me right in the feelers & lights a fire under my bum. It is something that has been written about before, it's not like I am coming up with some ancient…
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